I am Stephanie Wissmann
I am a researcher / serial founder / writer and speaker. Interested in innovation, entrepreneurship (beyond the unicorn Blabla), work and how it is evolving. And marketing, better growth. And books. And food. And lifestyle and art and philosophy.
And how it is all connected.
What I am
good at
Research, out-of-the-box-thinking, dedication, curiosity, creativity, inspiration, endless enthusiasm, aesthetics, creating the unexpected and special, surprising.
What I am
thinking about
What factors lead to success in entrepreneurship and innovation and in which way do individuals shape companies and how does it all shape our identity and career?
They shape us and make us the person we are. So here are mine.
2018 - now
Vice President Digital & Growth
B2B SaaS, growth marketing, mobile communications and telco, how to build a self-service
2008 - now
How to write, how to do graphics, how social media works, the etiquette ot the net
2021 - now
CMO Spacetech accelerator
spacetech and community, learning and teaching, how to set apart in a crowded market
2019 - 2023
How to think, how to write academic papers, statistics, critical thinking, teaching, learning how much I don´t know
2012 - 2018
Fintech and APIs, introducing innovation, how to lead teams and enthusiate for innovation
2016 - now
Secret Dinner
How to be a good host, how to create experiences, how to be createive with all senses
I am working on at the moment
New space

How to do it better

New Work: The real thing

Marketing of innovation

AI: The tranquil compendium

Personal branding: The silent guide

Blockchain, Web 3.0 & NFTs

slash work